DREYFUS CUP RALLY Sunday, November 14, 2021, 10:30 a.m.
/in NNJR BLOG, RALLY NEWS, What's New /by nnjr-pcaDREYFUS CUP RALLY Sunday, November 14, 2021, 10:30 a.m. High Marques Motor Cars 169 Washington Street Morristown, NJ Map 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast & Registration 12:00 p.m. First car off In 1961 Rene Dreyfus donated a trophy cup to NNJR. This coveted cup is the award for the most prestigious rally of […]
2020 ANNUAL MEETING Northern New Jersey Region Porsche Club of America
/in BOG Meeting Minutes, NNJR BLOG, What's New /by nnjr-pcaNNJRannual2020min
One Fast SUV
/in Charity News, DRIVER ED NEWS, NNJR BLOG, Uncategorized, What's New /by nnjr-pcaCheck out Lars Kern’s “commitment” to the throttle on turn exit…and 178mph on the straights. One fast SUV!
Busting Myths – a must read.
/in DRIVER ED NEWS, NNJR BLOG, What's New /by nnjr-pcaHere at NNJR, we are big fans of Ross Bentley. We have had the good fortune of having Ross speak to NNJR on multiple occasions and share his Speed Secrets. Now, Ross has allowed NNJR to share one of his best Speed Secrets that has important insights for HPDE Drivers, students AND instructors alike. SSW […]
Oh my, my.
/in Autocross, DRIVER ED NEWS, NNJR BLOG, What's New /by nnjr-pcaOh, my, my – Oh Hell Yes. Honey put on your party a dress. Buy me a drink, sing me a song, take me as I come ’cause I can’t stay long https://youtu.be/jJlyB0teZGQ
High Performance Winter Driving
/in AUTOCROSS NEWS, DRIVER ED NEWS, NNJR BLOG, Uncategorized /by nnjr-pcaDriving a modern car at speed these days can feel like you are just a passenger in a computer game set in “learning mode’. If you “shock” the brakes, ABS saves your bacon. TOO much throttle on exit, the computer cuts your power and stops you from spinning like a top. Turn-in too fast, traction […]
Missing the Obvious – by Bill Gilbert
/in DRIVER ED NEWS, NNJR BLOG, What's New /by nnjr-pcaFor everyone that participates in NNJR DE events, especially advanced drivers, this is a excellent article to read before we head out for the 2021 Track Season “Missing the Obvious” by Bill Gilbert