April Monthly Meeting – Christina Neilsen

Rich Barry will be moderating our monthly meeting Christina Neilsen, Porsche GTD Race Car Driver in the #88 car with Team Hardpoint will join us from Denmark on: The all-women driver team is making a name for themselves in IMSA Driving the new Porsche GT3.   Christina Nielsen – California, USA  IMSA (2016-2017) – 1st […]

Do I need a new helmet?

If you haven’t updated your Snell 2010 helmet for the upcoming season, now would be the time. Helmets must be certified to the Snell 2015 or 2020.  2010 helmets are no longer acceptable. PCA requires “Snell approved helmet, which has the current available Snell rating or the one previous Snell rating” see Drivers Education Minimum […]

High Performance Winter Driving

Driving a modern car at speed these days can feel like you are just a passenger in a computer game set in “learning mode’. If you “shock” the brakes, ABS saves your bacon. TOO much throttle on exit, the computer cuts your power and stops you from spinning like a top. Turn-in too fast, traction […]

Missing the Obvious – by Bill Gilbert

For everyone that participates in NNJR DE events, especially advanced drivers, this is a excellent article to read before we head out for the 2021 Track Season “Missing the Obvious” by Bill Gilbert

Monthly Meeting-Dec. 22nd Dennis Macchio

DENNIS MACCHIO, TRACK DIRECTOR MMC If you are new to PCA Divers Education events, an advanced driver, instructor, or competitive racer, you will find this Monthly Meeting informative, insightful, and fun.   Dennis is the Track Director at Monticello Motor Club, responsible for all safety, education, and competitive activities. Dennis has a long history of racing, […]

Monthly Meeting – Dec 15th-That Porsche Girl

This is going to be fun.  Don’t miss it The job: precision driver for Hollywood. The car: a 911 T from 1969. The road: the Pacific Coast Highway. The woman: Instagram star @thatporschegirl. Streamed live from NNJR’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUXy-zYhmzP5FgBJV_3RZw For additional information please contact Shannon Muller at program@nnjr-pca.com

Track Pack for VIR

Here is the link to the track pack.

Summit Point 2020 Track Pack

Click the Link below to download the Summit Point Track Pack Summit Point 2020 Track Pack

Watkins Glen 1 track pack

You can access the WGI 1 track pack here.