NNJR Tech Talk

Thanks Rob Caputo.  If you missed Saturday’s Tech Talk at Paul Miller Porsche, check out this video from one of our members chronicling the event – and adding some flair!

Mitch McCullough takes his first drive of a newly built 1972 911T

New NNJR member Mitch McCullough takes his first drive of a newly built 1972 911T at Monticello Motor Club he and wife Kim will be running in the 2022 East African Safari Classic Rally February 10-18. He hopes to bring it to an NNJR event sometime after that, perhaps with a dent or two.

Don’t Miss the Pocono JUuly 25th AutoX !

Have you driven the most fun AutoX you will ever experience?  No?  Sign up for the Pocono AutoX today on Motorsportsreg.com

Do I need a new helmet?

If you haven’t updated your Snell 2010 helmet for the upcoming season, now would be the time. Helmets must be certified to the Snell 2015 or 2020.  2010 helmets are no longer acceptable. PCA requires “Snell approved helmet, which has the current available Snell rating or the one previous Snell rating” see Drivers Education Minimum […]

High Performance Winter Driving

Driving a modern car at speed these days can feel like you are just a passenger in a computer game set in “learning mode’. If you “shock” the brakes, ABS saves your bacon. TOO much throttle on exit, the computer cuts your power and stops you from spinning like a top. Turn-in too fast, traction […]

Car Control Clinic is postponed…. we hope. Watch the autocross pages.

NNJR’s CCC sells out quickly.  If you plan to attend, you can register HERE

Autocross 2019 – the only thing you have to fear – is fear itself..

Excellent article from NNJR’s Autocross Ambassador – thanks Grant Got your interest? Read more here

2018 Car Control Clinic

Car Control Clinic: May 6th 2018 Location: Metlife Stadium, Parking Lot L Registration opens April 30th. Learn the performance potential and characteristics of your Porsche Safe and Fun! NNJR-PCA.com/Autocross In this full-day event (drive half the day, work the course half the day), you will gain personal instruction and practice in braking, slalom, and skidpads. What’s […]