Current Events




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sun02mar9:00 amsun1:00 pmSwap Meet

fri07mar(mar 7)8:00 amsun09(mar 9)6:00 pmWerks Reunion / Amelia Island Concours

sun09mar12:00 pmsun3:00 pmSpring Concours Workshop

wed12mar7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Meeting-John Paterek

sat15mar9:00 amsat11:00 amTech Session - Carrera GT

sat22mar10:00 amsat12:00 pmTech Session - Jack Daniels Porsche

mon24mar6:00 pmmon8:00 pmLightning DE Tech

wed26marAll DayCar Control Clinic Registration is Open!

thu27mar7:30 pmthu9:00 pmBOG Meeting

sat29mar12:00 pmsat2:00 pmPorsches and Pizza at Kinchley's Tavern on March 29

sat05apr(apr 5)6:00 pmsun06(apr 6)8:00 pmLightning 1 NNJR DE

wed09apr7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Mtg

sun27apr7:45 amsun4:15 pmCar Control Clinic

mon28apr6:00 pmmon8:00 pmMid-Ohio DE Tech

What’s New Blog

Marshall Knuteson – Automotive Photographer

Hope you all had a chance to see the Marshall Knuteson’s session in taking amazing shots of  Super Cars.  Thanks, Rich Barry for a fun and informative meeting with Marshall,  a super popular 28-year-old automotive photographer, who shoots his photos with a Nikon D850. Marshall is based in NY and works as a Classic Architect after attending the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University.

Marshall has over 62,000 followers. In the Instagram world that is a lot!
Check out the Feb. Monthly meeting with Marshal on the NNJR Youtube Channel HERE

Missing the Obvious – by Bill Gilbert

For everyone that participates in NNJR DE events, especially advanced drivers, this is a excellent article to read before we head out for the 2021 Track Season
“Missing the Obvious” by Bill Gilbert

Virtual Slide Night with Dom Miliano Jan 19th

NNJR’s First Ever

Virtual Annual Slide Night

Our annual “Slide Night” is a tradition that cannot be missed. This year, we are going to continue the event but do it on a virtual basis through a Zoom meeting.

To enter, send an e-mail to We will respond with a link to a cloud-based storage site where you can upload up to six (6) Porsche-related digital images. Sorry, no non-Porsche images this year.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your files have been safely stored.
You have until January 2, 2021 to upload your six (6) Porsche images.
Slide Night will be held during our regular January 19, 2021 meeting.
Call Dom Miliano with Questions – 973-586-8815 (office)




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