Entries by nnjr-pca

President Letter December

We just returned from VIR with really big smiles on our faces – what a great event! The track is amazing all by itself, but when you add three days of perfect weather (‘70s and ‘80s) to the mix, it becomes that very special. What a fantastic way to end the NNJR DE season for […]

Dear Santa

Dear Santa: I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I still can’t quite decide amongst the possibilities for a new, upgraded track machine. A 991 GT3RS would be lovely. A friend just traded his cup car for one and keeps needling me about how much easier it is to put on track and how […]


By Helene & Roy Horowitz So, who better to co-write an article on wine tasing than the designated driver? This was another successful social event, the NNJR Porsche Club’s 44th Annual Wine Tasting, sponsored by Paul Miller Porsche and ShopRite Sunrise Kitchens. Spirits of Caldwell assisted in the wine selection. You could readily tell the […]


IN MEMORIAM By Dennis Thovson Andy Dennis, a long-time member of NNJR, died suddenly on August 8. He is survived by his wife, Sandy. Andy and Sandy joined NNJR/PCA in October 1965. The region had about 100 members, and Andy and Sandy were active participants in club events from the beginning. They enjoyed the rallies, […]


MY PORSCHE EXPERIENCE By Hubert King It is a warm, sunny July morning in the MetLife Stadium parking lot E.  The gigantic lot is covered in orange cones, creating a miniature race course. I am behind the wheel of a silver 2016 Porsche 718S. Next to me is a former race driver, winner of Sebring, […]

Concours Corner

By Chris Erven & Jeff Erven NNJR Concours Chair The third judged concours event of the season on Sunday, Sept. 11, was hosted by NNJR member Frank Bogyos at his beautiful Wingspread Farm. As we drove up the long driveway, we were welcomed by two rows of American flags in honor of the victims of […]

Drivers Log

By Tom Swift THE STICK VERSUS THE PADDLE No, this is not going to be an article on instruments used by the Victorians for child corporeal punishment. That’s a bit passé, plus I’m not qualified to evaluate the physiological impacts, as all I know about psychology I learned from a college roommate (and he majored […]

President Letter November

Well, here we are, I am writing to you with the leaves on the trees barely turning color, for a November article. Somehow I wish for the day when my thoughts at that moment become a “real time” communication. “Tom, Tom, wake up!!!”  Have you not heard of Twitter?? Yes, I have, but I am […]