Entries by nnjr-pca

NNJR Charity Drive

CONTRIBUTIONS MATCHED   Donate here https://cheshirehome.org/donate.htm Inform charity@nnjr-pca.com the amount for matching contributions Cheshire Home Residents Thank You. 2020: A memorable year and one that has challenged institutions and people. At this time of year NNJR Charity would typically be holding it’s joyous end of year Charity Event. We would be together having good food […]

NNJR 2020 Annual Meeting

NNJR 2020 (VIRTUAL) ANNUAL MEETING Greetings, I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and safe. It is time, once again, to elect NNJR’s officers for the upcoming year. Please join us this evening for our annual meeting. Also on the agenda, approval for amendments to NNJR’s bylaws that will allow for remote/virtual […]

Concours Wind Spread Farm

Don’t miss the CONCOURS/CAR SHOW WING SPREAD FARM Always a favorite – Join your fellow Porsche Friends for a trip and concours and car show. Sunday, October 18, 2020  10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Wing Spread Farm- 8 Wolverton Rd, Asbury, New Jersey, 08802 Register on the NNJR Website (under Calendars->Event registration) or just select […]

NNJR Drive-in…All systems go.

For everyone that registered on-line, you will be receiving an email Tuesday evening with a map of the both the ball park and the parking lot we will be utilizing. Well done. Just a little fine print; with your confirmation email, you will be sent a link to the NNJR COVID waiver. (or get it […]

Using the NNJR-PCA online Event Registration

Using the new NNJR-PCA online Event Registration system You can register for current NNJR PCA events directly from the NNJR-PCA.com home page under the Calendars->Event Registration menu or through event registration links in calendar events, ePorscheforus Monthly Magazine, NNJR emails, Facebook, and What’s New posts. NNJR uses PayPal and PayPal’s gateway to the secure Credit […]

Board of Governors Nominations for 2021:

The Nominating Committee, exercising its duties as representatives of the NNJR Membership, has nominated the following candidates to serve on the Board of Governors for the calendar year 2021:   PRESIDENT                      Janice Ernsting VICE PRESIDENT            Lester Cheng SECRETARY                    Cindy Cristello TREASURER                    Rich Barry GOVERNOR                     Bruce Hernsdorf GOVERNOR                    Rudy Samsel GOVERNOR                     Peter Schneider   All of […]