Entries by Dyke

AutoX 2020: July 19th Pocono

Alert!  We are racing!  First event July 19th at Pocono.  More information here and on NNJR Motorsportsreg Autocross is, hands-down, the cheapest, safest, least time-consuming way for you to learn basic performance driving, push your car, and push your skills. It’s fun, informal, safe and the crowd is welcoming. And if you have family members […]

Charity Update – Covid Response

Charity NNJR June 17, 2020 Hubert King The support for charity within NNJR goes back to the early days of our club. For decades the Club has reached out to the northern New Jersey community to support those in need. Please scan the year-by-year highlights (LINK?) on this website to get an idea of how […]

Lime Rock Park – Now August 26th & 27th

To All, The Sept 9 & 10 Lime Rock DE has been rescheduled (again), to be on August 26th & 27th. This was done at the request of Lime Rock Park. They had to move a major Pro race, and our dates interfered. Due to current PCA and CT State rules regarding physical distancing, this […]

Virtual Gathering with Magnus Walker

Magnus Walker, Porsche Collector and Social Media Personality Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 7:30 p.m. – Tentative Date! Having been fascinated with Porsches since his childhood in the UK, Magnus made his way to LA in his 20s, where he started collecting and customizing vintage Porsches, mostly of the 911 model. Happy to say Magnus joined […]

Look for the ePorscheforus in your email coming soon

Due to the Coronavirus our  local printer will not be available for the foreseeable future – but – worry not!  We  will have a shinny new electronic version or Porscheforus in your email shortly. If you don’t receive your copy, use the “Contact Us” form on the website and we’ll follow up directly with you.