What’s New
The 2012 Club Race season is underway and a number of our members have had some good and bad luck so far. We had several NNJR members go down to Sebring and do quite well. This past weekend was Road Atlanta and we had our same crew as last year make the trek - Craig Mahon, Greg Mills, Ken Ernsting and myself. The weather was a big worry for us as last year we were welcomed by torrential down pours. This year the weather forecast for Friday was 60% chance of thunderstorms, but I guess we caught a break and the day was fantastic, sunny with temperatures in the mid 70's. Friday was the practice day. Craig came down a day earlier for the Test and Tune and was feeling pretty good about the track. It is kind of tough getting quickly up to speed on a track that you drive only once a year, but after a few runs you get that warm feeling when all the corners fall into place.
There were a few things that I could always depend on while growing up: Mom’s chocolate chip cookies, wedgies on the school bus, and my monthly issue of Car & Driver. It was a happy day for young Drew Karpinski when the mailman would deliver a fresh new car magazine. I had read it from cover-to-cover, including the letters, the ads, and most of all, the articles on all of the new cars. To this day, I can visualize the layout of these articles, the attention-grabbing cover headlines, and even the advertisements that seemed to appear in every magazine. Yes, it was a time when you could have 10 records for just a penny, California Car Covers were serving up sheep skins by the Benz-load, and eternal bliss was just a set of Kleen Wheels away!
I had not driven anything more powerful that a Big Wheel at this formative stage in my young life, so I obviously had no real experiences to validate anything of what I read, save for my passenger seat observations of whatever cars my dad had at the time. I would hang on to every word, except for those of which I had no clue of their meaning. Understeer? Oversteer? Trail braking? No problem for kids today…look it up on the iPad and read Wikipedia, or better yet, watch a YouTube tutorial. For me, though, I only had a Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and a set of World Books from 1972. Great for learning about the transformation of Europe or the pollination of a flower, but not so much for brake fade or sway bars. I would have to rely on context clues, and trust the overall opinions of the writers.
I can remember like it was yesterday getting dressed to go out and play in the snow as a kid. There was usually a turtleneck shirt involved, thermals, snow pants, snow jacket, gloves, boots, a hat (sometimes with a mask included), and a scarf. There would be so much snow on the ground, piled up by the plows from multiple storms, that we would have all of the materials we would need for a season of snow forts, snowmen, snow cones (don’t eat the yellow ones), snowball fights, and whatever else begins with “snow.” This was all winter long, too. There were snow days, early closing days, and those magical moments on snowy mornings when we would sit huddled on my parents bed, listening to school closings on AM radio. As soon as I heard the “Men-” of “Mendham,” I would react like I had won the lottery…and my mom would grimace as if she lost a bet.
I thought about all of this the other day as the kids and I washed the remaining bits of 2011 from my track car. I had followed the old adage last fall of “running it hard and putting it away dirty.” The paint still has black marks from all of those sticky Hoosiers and slicks in front of me (as I passed them, of course). A dog-eared Watkins Glen II tech sticker still adorns the center of my windshield, and a couple of water bottles roll around the floor of the passenger side. On this fine sixty-degree day in February, with the sun way up high in the sky and the water drops drying almost faster than I can take a towel to it, those old winter memories seem a world away. There has not been a snow day since October, and the kids’ boots still have tags on them. Pity for my kids, but not bad at all for me as I start to prepare my car for the long track season. Indeed, as distant as winter seemed, Lime Rock is dead ahead in my sights.
As you read this, we will be about a week from our season opener, at beautiful Lime Rock Park. I am already having those panic dreams like you get before a prom (I forgot to rent my tux!) or my graduation (I needed three more credits??), only this time I am waking up in my dream at 10am and missing a DE that I am supposed to be running. Maybe I’ll assign someone a wake up call function just to be safe.
Murray Kane: Although I am no Drew Karpinski, I figured by this time it being several months since my last article my legion of fans would be eagerly awaiting my next Porscheforus article so it was my initial though to write one on my first time at Watkins Glen to please my fan base. After giving this matter some careful thought I came to the decision, my fans would have to wait. Being one half of the New Member Liaison Chair I thought it would be more interesting to get this perspective from two new members who were also running at the Glen for the first time. I approached Rick Londano and Alexande Aillo and asked them to write on their individual experiences. What follows are their thoughts and experiences at the Glen. Both agreed with me that it is a great track and despite the rain, we all had a great time and cannot wait to get back to the Glen.
Alaxender Aillo: Well it all started this year. I have been a regular attendee of Cars and Croissants in Chatham, NJ for the past year. Being the Porsche enthusiast I am, I always spend countless hours preparing my car to look its best and receive many questions as to how I get my black car to look like glass. I tell every one that asks; a lot of work and attention to detail. While attending these meetings, I met and spoke to other Porsche owners who were members of NNJR-PCA about taking the Porsche ownership experience to the next level, that being DE events. The one place they always spoke about was the infamous Watkins Glen. After taking my car to my first event at NJ Motorsports Park I was hooked. I signed up for three more events, the last one being the Glen.