NNJR Nominating Committee Announcement


Pursuant to the Bylaws, notice is hereby given that the November Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, November 14, 2012, is designated the Region’s Annual Business Meeting. The agenda for the Annual Meeting is as follows:

  • Election of Officers and Governors for the calendar year 2013.


The Nominating Committee, Andy Gisonna – Chair, Bill Gilbert, Bob Knapik, Chris Magdelinskas and Steve Park, exercising its duties as representatives of the NNJR membership, have nominated the following candidates to serve on the Board of Governors for the calendar year 2013.

PRESIDENT:             Craig Mahon

VICE PRESIDENT:  Drew Karpinski

SECRETARY:           Cindy Cristello

TREASURER:           Tom Iervolino

GOVERNOR:            Jeff Cafiero

GOVERNOR:            Craig Ploetner

GOVERNOR:            Tom Swift

All of the candidates have stated their willingness to serve in the office for which they have been nominated. Pursuant to the Bylaws, prior to September 1, 2012 no Members have submitted petitions to appear on the ballot for the 2012 election. Therefore, only the Members named on the nominated slate appearing in this notice are eligible for election.

No other items have been submitted for the agenda of the Annual Meeting prior to this notice being submitted for publication to the membership.  Therefore, election of 2013 Officers and Governors shall be the only business conducted at the Annual Meeting. The elections of officers and governors shall be conducted by an Election Committee in accordance with the Bylaws. All Active and Family Active Members are urged to attend this meeting and vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlys Thovson

Secretary, NNJR/PCA