Northern New Jersey Region Porsche Club of America The Villa, Mountain Lakes, NJ November 9, 2016
Pursuant to Article IV of the Bylaws of the Northern New Jersey Region, Porsche Club of America, President Tom Iervolino called the Annual Meeting to order at 8:07pm on November 9, 2016. Tom asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the November 11, 2015 Annual Meeting as published in the May, 2016 issue of Porscheforus. Bill Gilbert so moved and the motion was seconded by Dennis Thovson, and there being no further discussion, was carried by a show of hands.

The only item on the agenda was the election of Officers and Governors for the year 2017 and, pursuant to Article X of the Bylaws, Dennis Thovson, Election Chairperson, conducted the election. Dennis certified that, per the Bylaws, a Nominating Committee had been appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Governors to select candidates for 2017 Officers and Governors. The Nominating Committee consisted of Craig Mahon (Chair), Knute Hancock, Dyke Hensen, Drew Karpinski, Jeff Krol, Dom Miliano, and Shannon Muller. This Committee, operating in accordance with Article X of the Bylaws, selected the following members as candidates for the offices indicated to serve during the 2017 calendar year:

President Tom Iervolino

Vice President Tom Swift

Secretary Cindy Cristello

Treasurer Janice Ernsting

Governor Grant Lenahan

Governor Murray Kane

Governor Anthony Wartel

The names of the nominees have been published in accordance with Article X of the Bylaws. All of the candidates expressed to the Nominating Committee a willingness to serve in the position for which they had been nominated either by (i) their presence at this meeting, (ii) stating in a written notice to be read at the meeting, or (iii) appointing an alternate to represent them at the meeting. No other eligible members submitted notice indicating a desire to appear on the ballot. As this Election was not contested, Dennis directed the Secretary to cast a ballot for each of the nominated candidates. The Secretary cast the ballots as directed. There being no additional items on the agenda, Tom asked for a motion to adjourn the Annual Meeting. Knute Hancock so moved. The motion was seconded by Peter Schneider and the Annual Meeting adjourned at 8:14pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Cristello, Secretary
November 9, 2016