Lime Rock DE

Register  PCA – Northern New Jersey – Drivers Education Wednesday, Apr 12 — Thursday, Apr 13, 2017 Lime Rock Park, Lakeville, CT 1 Registration ends in 6 days on April 3, 2017 11:59 PM EDT Come drive at our only visit to historic Lime Rock this year! This event is open to all driving enthusiasts and […]

Driver’s Log

ROAD TRIPS AND FISH STORIES It is Labor Day, and the much ballyhooed weather catastrophe of hurricane Hermine has proven to be mere weather channel click-bait. Suckered again. The driving season is winding down, and with this increasingly comes that peculiar sadness of pre-post-season letdown. A bit like getting choked up over the end of […]


By Hubert King Good neighbors, my 996, DE essentials in waterproof bins and my folding chair I blame it all on Tom Swift. Early this year our track chair sent an enticing letter to the club members who had never participated in a DE event. There would be a Lunch and Learn seminar on January […]

Driver Log

First, let me correct a mistake in the previously published DE schedule.  We will NOT be at Watkins Glen from September 18 through 29. Twelve days in a row at the Glen has a certain appeal, but human, mechanical, and financial fatigue do take a toll. We’ll have to settle for the 18th and 19th. […]

Drivers Log

By Tom Swift Our last two events of the year had us going south – directionally correct as an old boss used to say.  Mid October took us back to New Jersey Motorsports Park for two days at Lightning. This year we had terrific weather and a very good turnout.  It should have been a […]

Dear Santa

Dear Santa: I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I still can’t quite decide amongst the possibilities for a new, upgraded track machine. A 991 GT3RS would be lovely. A friend just traded his cup car for one and keeps needling me about how much easier it is to put on track and how […]

Drivers Log

By Tom Swift THE STICK VERSUS THE PADDLE No, this is not going to be an article on instruments used by the Victorians for child corporeal punishment. That’s a bit passé, plus I’m not qualified to evaluate the physiological impacts, as all I know about psychology I learned from a college roommate (and he majored […]

Driver’s Log October

By Tom Swift Road Trips and Fish Stories It is Labor Day and the much ballyhooed weather catastrophe of hurricane Hemine has proven to be mere weather channel click-bait. Suckered again. The driving season is winding down and with this increasingly comes that peculiar sadness of pre-post-season let-down. A bit like getting choked up over […]

Driver’s Log September

By Tom Swift The Thrill of the CanAm DE In mid-July the NNJR DE program ventured north to Mosport, a track just east of Toronto. We hold the Canadian/American DE in partnership with the Upper Canada Region of PCA. As most of our members have not been to Mosport, I’d like to share some thoughts […]

Driver’s Log June

Driver’s Log By Tom Swift Mother Nature Frowns on my First Event Our first driver education event each season has been for some years now at Lime Rock Park in early April. On a historical note, NNJR’s first track event ever was held at LRP in 1971, 45 years ago. While I have not been […]