Wow, where has the time gone?

  Wow, where has the time gone? It feels like not too long ago that I was sitting with Drew Karpinski and learning the ins and outs of leading our DE Program and now here I am writing my final DE article and in the midst of transferring DE to Tom Swift, our new VP […]

Reference Points

  As this is the October P4Us we should be about ready to hold our next DE (October 17-18) at the really fun Lightning track at New Jersey Motorsports Park (NJMP). Not too long after that on October 30 – November 1, we will have our final event at Virginia International Raceway (VIR). Just as […]

Well, here we are, it is September alread

    Well, here we are, it is September already. Wow, I must be having too much fun. Actually I am having a ton of fun being on track at all my favorite places – any track!! We have been to Lime Rock, Lightning, Thunderbolt (2X), Mid Ohio, Pocono, Mosport and about to head to […]

Springtime in the Poconos

  If you have ever attended a DE at Pocono Raceway, you know that the Pocono weather can be unpredictable and quite fickle. When we used to hold our April Pocono events, we got everything from sun, rain, fog, sleet and snow. And that was just in Turn 3 as Turn 1 could have completely […]

Ya’all Come Back Now, Yah Hear By Dyke Hensen

Ya’all Come Back Now, Yah Hear By Dyke Hensen Printable PDF NNJR’s High Performance Driving program is one of the finest in the country offering Safe, Se-rious Fun for the faithful. If you haven’t tried it, you should. Track junkies, Auto-crossers and Car Control Clinic veterans, “we want you” coming back year after year and […]

Hitting Apexes… July 2015

Hi gang. By the time you read this, we will have just had our famous Paul Miller Ladies Day DE at Pocono and really looking forward to our upcoming event at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (Mosport). Mosport is a world class track that is well worth the drive and should be on everyone’s list. The […]

Hitting Apexes… June 2015

We are well into our 2015 season and plenty of events to go. In my series of driving technique articles, I have covered most of the fundamentals and touched on one or two more advanced techniques. It is now time to dig into Heel-Toe downshifting which is not really done with your heel and toe […]

Hitting Apexes… May 2015

In March I covered Understeer so guess what I am going to cover this month? How about Oversteer? Great guess – you get to move to the black run group. Just kidding. To refresh, understeer and oversteer are vehicle dynamic terms used to describe the sensitivity of a vehicle to steering. Simply put, oversteer (or […]

Hitting Apexes… April 2015

We just held two seminars; the first on was January 25 which was our Introduction to High Performance driving. This seminar was attended by 40+ participants who are new to DE and are interested in learning more about this fantastic sport (hobby?). Welcome and I hope to see every one of you at Lime Rock, […]

Hitting Apexes…. March 2015

Tick-tock, tick-tock……….. The countdown begins for the start of our 2015 DE season!! I know I am pretty excited. Last month I covered getting ready for the season so I figured this month I would return to skill development and touch on a more advanced technique, left foot braking. If you are ready for this, […]