Entries by nnjr-pca


— FINAL — BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING for August, 2016 NORTHERN NEW JERSEY REGION – PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC.   DATE:             Thursday, August 4, 2016   PLACE:          The Brick Academy, Basking Ridge, NJ   PRESENT:      Tom Iervolino, Tom Swift, Cindy Cristello (late), Matt Fine, Chris Erven, Jeff Erven, Bill Gilbert, Stu French, Dennis […]

Driver’s Log October

By Tom Swift Road Trips and Fish Stories It is Labor Day and the much ballyhooed weather catastrophe of hurricane Hemine has proven to be mere weather channel click-bait. Suckered again. The driving season is winding down and with this increasingly comes that peculiar sadness of pre-post-season let-down. A bit like getting choked up over […]

President Letter October

By Tom Iirvolino Hi gang. Being a car nut, especially a Porsche nut, I love to learn more about other car makes and models. Last summer Lisa and I traveled to the Alsace Region and rented a villa and had a number of our “kids” (our AFS sons and daughters) stay with us. Besides visiting […]

Driver’s Log September

By Tom Swift The Thrill of the CanAm DE In mid-July the NNJR DE program ventured north to Mosport, a track just east of Toronto. We hold the Canadian/American DE in partnership with the Upper Canada Region of PCA. As most of our members have not been to Mosport, I’d like to share some thoughts […]

Presidents Letter September

By Tom Iervolino Wow, it’s September already; my favorite time of year and I am sure I am not alone. There are so many activities you can do with NNJR all throughout the year, but in my mind, once September rolls around, we begin to enter a new phase. I always get the sense of […]

Presidents Letter August

By Tom Iervolino Welcome to mid-summer and all the great events that NNJR has to offer! We have soooo many great volunteers that make NNJR a very special region and a pleasure to belong to. I am not going to list everything that is coming up so be sure to check our web site calendar, […]

Concours Corner 2016

Concours Corner 2016 By Chris Erven and Jeff Erven, NNJR Concours Chairs The infamous Paterek Brothers Concours workshop was held on Sunday, April 10 at John and Rays restoration shop. We would like to thank John and Donna Paterek, Ray and Pam Paterek, Andrew and Paul, the beautiful husky Paterek. John provided a fabulous food […]

Driver’s Log June

Driver’s Log By Tom Swift Mother Nature Frowns on my First Event Our first driver education event each season has been for some years now at Lime Rock Park in early April. On a historical note, NNJR’s first track event ever was held at LRP in 1971, 45 years ago. While I have not been […]

June President Letter

By Tom Iervolino First they brought us the GT4 then the GT4 Clubsport. Ah yes, those Porsche executives are always thinking of ways to thrill us and of course, helping us part with our money. Hey, if you can afford it, why not, as life is meant to be enjoyed. So how great would a […]