
NNJR sponsors several technical sessions each season. These sessions cover a broad range of subjects such as how to maintain your Porsche, track preparation and many other subjects to numerous to mention here. Many of these workshops you can bring you car and have a problem addressed. We also have a Technical Committee and you will find each committee member’s contact information, and specialty areas. Don’t hesitate to contact these people with your questions. Check the web site and Porscheforus for the schedule of upcoming sessions. Technical questions may be sent to

Technical Event FAQs

Q: Are these hands on workshops?

A: These workshops are typically not hands but rather demonstrative and informative in nature and always open to your questions.

Q: Can I invite non members?

YES. These events are open to members and guests.

Q: What if I have a specific question about my Porsche?

We recommend consulting your local Dealers or Independent Shops. You may also contact the National PCA Technical Website **

** PCA Technical Website Requires Membership to PCA

Q: What if I’d like to see a specific topic covered?

Please contact NNJR’s TECH Chairs,

Upcoming Technical Events




Post Date

Current Month

sat15mar9:00 amsat11:00 amTech Session - Carrera GT

sat22mar10:00 amsat12:00 pmTech Session - Jack Daniels Porsche