How to Make Your Modern Porsche Survive a Driver Ed Event

By James Coleman and Knute Hancock

The Technical Committee conducted a very successful Surviving Driver Ed workshop at Aspen Autosport on March 24.  We at NNJR truly appreciate the effort and preparation made by Matt Muller and his Aspen Autosports Team.  After coffee and refreshments provided by Shannon Muller (aka, the Boss), Matt started the meeting with what their shop does and then introduced Bob Tonczos, who was the primary presenter. His presentation covered various levels of maintenance preventative needs prior to going onto the track, maintenance while at the track, and maintenance after you have left the track.  Approximately 45 enthusiast members were in attendance.  Their enthusiasm was demonstrated by both the number of deep questions and the technical specifics of the questions. Bob was amazing with his ability to drill down and provide the nitty-gritty details in his answer to the technically specific questions.  On display, were exhibits of failed parts for comparison with new and replacement upgrade parts.  Those who did not attend the event missed a great amount of information.

Thank you for the great presentation from NNJR BoG and the Tech Committee.

 Our next Tech Committee Event:

On June 16, we will be at Apex Autowerks, Clifton, with a Dyno Tech. This workshop is open to all members.  If you have any questions, please contact James Coleman or Knute Hancock, Co-Technical Committee Chairs at  We look forward to seeing you on June 16, between 10am and 1pm at Apex Autowerks.