NNJR Monthly Meeting

tue19apr7:30 pmtue9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Meeting


April 19, 2022 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-04:00)

Event Details

April Monthly Meeting/Webinar with Rudy Samsel –

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2022 07:30 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 545 3603
Passcode: 6987

Rudy Samsel, NNJR Membership Co-Chair, also happens to be the Co-Founder of GuysWithRides.com, an online marketplace for collector car enthusiasts. Rudy spends his days and nights tracking the industry, so if you’ve been thinking about either buying or selling a Porsche online, this event is for you.

In 2021, traditional live auctions achieved their highest sales since 2018. Despite this, more vehicles sold on dedicated enthusiast platforms last year than they did at live auctions for the first time. Porsche vehicles continue to be one of the biggest drivers of this trend, so whether you are a potential buyer or a seller, Rudy will take us through the key websites driving that trend.

If you’re thinking about selling your Porsche at auction, Rudy will take us through the advantages of online versus traditional live auctions, determining which website is right for you, and why pictures are not enough anymore (hint: buyers want videos!), and most import – how to set your price!

If you’re in the market for a Porsche online, Rudy will explain why a Pre-Purchase Inspection (“PPI”), especially on a Porsche, is mandatory, what to look for in a listing, and something called “The Winner’s Curse” and how to avoid it.

Rudy will also answer questions as they come up through the presentation.