Due To The Weather Forecast, We Are Rescheduling Our Cruise Night 2018
To Wednesday June 20th. Here are the important details.
New Date: June 20th
Time: 6PM-10PM
Rain Date : June 20
Porsches and music!!! This year’s Cruise Night we will be honored to have The John Ginty Band. John is the master of the Hammond B-3 organ. John was a founding member of the Robert Randolph band, where he was a two time Grammy Award nominee. He guested with the Allman Brothers, Santana, Warren Haynes, Govt.Mule, Bob Weir, Citizen Cope, Jewel, and was the organist for the Dixie Chicks. This is just part of his long resume. DON’T MISS THIS !!!
Bring the family. We’ll bring the food, drinks, and music. We are looking forward to a gathering of our Porsche friends, and of course an awesome display of Porsches of every era.
QUESTIONS? Call John Vogt 973-285-0959