
Fall 2023 Concourse 9
Fall 2023 Concourse 8
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If you enjoy seeing great looking Porsches, if you like to see vintage Porsches, if you enjoy washing, cleaning, and waxing your car … then you’ll enjoy Concours activities. NNJR sponsors several Concours workshops and clinics along with many competitive events.  Our workshops and clinics demonstrate the proper techniques on how best to clean and care for your Porsche aesthetics. It’s a real hands-on activity where you get a chance to see how various cleaning and polishing products are used, and ask questions on the care of your Porsche. Our instructional workshops are generally scheduled to precede upcoming competitive Concours events so you will be able to put into effect what you’ve learned.

Concours Rules & Results

Rules and Classes

The NNJR Concours schedule has something for both Novice and Veteran members, with each group competing separately for championship points. A Novice is a member who has not participated in a judged NNJR Concours event in the last twelve months and has not won a trophy in a previous NNJR Concours event. Participants will earn points toward a championship trophy to be awarded in each category at the end of the season.  Points will be awarded for both participating and working competitive events and workshop attendance. Participation means entering a Porsche in Full, Race Car or Wash and Shine categories.  Points will be awarded to each participant at each Concours event per the point schedule listed below. Competitive events will include PCA Regional, Zone, and Parade Concours. The definition of car classes will be at the discretion of the Concours Chair(s).

Full class requires much preparation as the judges will be doing a detailed inspection of the exterior, interior, storage and at some events the engine compartment. They will be looking at cleanliness, quality of preparation, lack of damage, and presentation. A team of 3 or 4 judges will first do a one-minute walk around and then a three- or four-minute inspection. Undercarriages are not inspected at NNJR events. Winners in the full classes are based on the highest score, i.e., the least point deductions. In NNJR competitions high score is 225 points, no engine and 300 point with engine. Entrants will be notified ahead of time what areas will be judged for each event. The car with the least point deductions and thus highest score will be the winner.

People’s Choice class is a popular vote with entrants where spectators are given ballots to vote for the car or cars that appeal to them the most. At some events you will receive a ballot for each class and at others the cars are all grouped into one class. Preparation for this class only requires a wash and a light interior cleaning. The car in the class or group receiving the most votes is the winner.

French class is for race cars and cars of other marques at NNJR multi-marque events. In this class, the judges strictly do a visual inspection. No touching is allowed. The main requirement for the class is the “WOW” factor. In other words, the car in the class that the judges are most excited about.

Upcoming Concours Events

Current Month

fri07mar(mar 7)8:00 amsun09(mar 9)6:00 pmWerks Reunion / Amelia Island Concours

sun09mar12:00 pmsun3:00 pmSpring Concours Workshop

sun04may12:00 pmsun3:00 pmPaterek Concours Workshop

sun18may9:00 amsun12:00 pmWelcome to the Club Concours

sun29jun9:00 amsun1:00 pmPaul Miller Classic Concours

sun10aug8:00 amsun4:00 pmNew Hope Auto Show and Concours

sun07sep12:00 pmsun3:00 pmPaul Miller Concours Workshop

sun21sep9:00 amsun1:00 pmConcours On The Farm

fri17oct5:00 pmfri8:00 pmBoardwalk Reunion

sat18oct8:00 amsat4:00 pmBoardwalk Reunion

Top 25 Concours Winners for 2024

Name Novice/Veteran Englewood Wkshp Paterek Wkshp WttC Concours P. Miller Concours Cruise Nite New Hope P. Miller Wkshp Fall Concours I. D. Signs Wkshp Total Points
Abbot, JJ 5 5
Acuna, Frank 7 7
Adams, Bob V 2 2
Aime, Joseph N 2 2
Alcazar, Roberto N 2 2
Angiulli, Pinot V 2 2
Aviles, Mike N 2 2
Babyak, Michael 2 2
Badaglicca, Nick N 2 2 2 6
Bader, Dan 4 4
Beinert, Steve V 2 7 8 17
Broeker, Scott N 2 4 6
Brown, Dennis 7 7
Bugg, Michael 2 2
Capasso, Augie V 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Capasso, Jean V 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Cappuccio, James N 2 2
Carlson, Andrew 2 2
Carr, Mike 2 2
Castellano, George V 2 8 10
Cerrato, Dominic V 2 2 4
Chabra, Thomas N 2 4 6
Cheek, David V 2 7 5 2 2 2 20
Chen, Wendy 2 2
Chicherchia, Frank 6 6
Coligiuri, Lou N 2 2
Cristello, Anthony V 2 2 9 2 2 17
Cristello, Cindy V 2 2
Daouphars, Eric V 7 6 13
Delacruz, Jose V 2 2
DeLacruz, Max V 2 2
Ditanico, Roger N 2 2
Dougherty, Mike 4 4
Dupont, Ted N 2 2
Dyon, John 4 4
Eisenberg, Steve N 2 2
Erven, Chris V 2 2 2 6
Erven, Jeff V 2 2 2 6
Falcone, Jack 7 7
Findlay, Britt N 2 4 6
Findlay, Duncan N 2 2
Fitzsimmons, Kevin V 2 9 8 9 2 9 39
Foster, Jim V 2 2
Freund, Bob 2 2
Garcia, Santi N 2 2
Garrison, John 4 4
Giannikos, Christos N 2 2 4
Goeckel, Lisa N 2 2 4
Goodman, Frank 5 6 11
Gutierrez, L 2 2
Hancock, Knute N 2 2 4
Hand, Bill 2 2
Hays, Bruce V 2 2 6 10
Hays, Ellen V 2 6 8
Henuset, Robert V 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Hirsch, Greg 6 6
Hubbard, Pierce 2 2
Kane, Akemi V 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Kille, Tom 2 2
Kim, David 2 2
Klushspier, Christine 2 2
Kokinis, John 2 2
Koupf, Gary 2 2
Kovacs, Mark 2 2
Kraus, Kevin 2 2
Krieg, Bill V 2 7 5 7 21
Kroeger, Steve V 2 2 4
Lennon, Charles V 2 2 2 6
Li, Joe 2 2
Linton, Pat 4 4
Liu, James 2 2
Loucopolos, Tom N 2 2 4
Majewski, Paul 2 2
Malik, Roger V 2 2
Manna, Jerry V 2 2 9 8 7 2 9 39
Marano, Ralph N 6 6
Margaritondo, Anthony N 2 2
McFadyen, Jeff V 2 2 2 6
Mercarelli, Martin 5 5
Miguel, Ron N 2 2
Miliano, Dom V 2 2 2 6
Minko, Bill N 2 2
Minks, Christopher 2 2
Mintz, Howard 5 5
Montalbanno, Greg 2 2
Neuwirth, Phil V 2 2
Nikolic, Nick 2 2
Nix, Don 2 2
Nouel, Jake 2 2
O’Neill, Joseph 2 2
Patel, Ankur N 2 2
Patel, Sahil N 2 2
Pulice, Peter V 5 7 12
Rafeld, Doug N 2 2
Ramos, Dave N 5 2 7
Reno, Sal N 2 2
Rice, Steve N 6 6
Rudolph, Bob N 2 2
Samsel, Nancy V 2 2 4
Samsel, Rudy V 2 2 2 2 2 10
Saunders, Jeff N 2 2
Schraft, Bill V 2 2 4
Seltenheim, Willet N 5 7 12
Sgaramella, Michael N 2 2
Simon, Joe V 7 7 14
Sliwa, Walter V 2 2
Solomon, Arnold V 2 2 7 9 2 2 24
Spinelli, Steve 6 6
Squilla, Dennis 6 6
Stern, Phil V 2 2
Thompson, Kevin 4 4
Timmers, Rick 2 2
Torter, Barbara 7 2 9
Tully, Hank 2 2
Velez, John 2 2
Vollneuth, Jim 2 2
Volpi, Mike 4 4
Warshaw, David 2 2
Wartel, Anthony N 2 2
Whelan, Ian 2 2
Wolsh, Bill 2 2
Yarashefski, Ron N 2 2 2 6
Zadov, Russ 4 4

Rules and Classes

The NNJR Concours schedule has something for both Novice and Veteran members, with each group competing separately for championship points. A Novice is a member who has not participated in a judged NNJR Concours event in the last twelve months and has not won a trophy in a previous NNJR Concours event. Participants will earn points toward a championship trophy to be awarded in each category at the end of the season.  Points will be awarded for both participating and working competitive events and workshop attendance. Participation means entering a Porsche in Full, Race Car or Wash and Shine categories.  Points will be awarded to each participant at each Concours event per the point schedule listed below. Competitive events will include PCA Regional, Zone, and Parade Concours. The definition of car classes will be at
the discretion of the Concours Chair(s).

Full Class requires much preparation as the judges will be doing a detailed inspection of the exterior, interior, storage and at some events the engine compartment. They will be looking at cleanliness, quality of preparation, lack of damage, and presentation. A team of 3 or 4 judges will first do a one-minute walk around and then a three- or four-minute inspection. Undercarriages are not inspected at NNJR events. Winners in the full classes are based on the highest score, i.e., the least point deductions. In NNJR competitions high score is 225 points, no engine and 300 point with engine. Entrants will be notified ahead of time what areas will be judged for each event. The car with the least point deductions and thus highest score will be the winner.

People’s Choice class is a popular vote with entrants where spectators are given ballots to vote for the car or cars that appeal to them the most. At some events you will receive a ballot for each class and at others the cars are all grouped into one class. Preparation for this class only requires a wash and a light interior cleaning. The car in the class or group receiving the most votes is the winner.

French Class is for race cars and cars of other marques at NNJR multi marque events. In this class the judges strictly do a visual inspection. No touching is allowed. The main requirement for the class is the “WOW” factor. In other words, the car in the class that the judges are most excited about.

Click HERE to download the Manual

Concours General Information

About Concours

Concours is an activity in which the beauty and cleanliness of your Porsche is judged and scored. Judges with incredible knowledge and familiarity of Porsches inspect the competing cars. They look in places that you don’t even know exist! There is no better way to learn the details and proper maintenance of your Porsche appearance than to prep it for a competitive Concours. If this type of preparation seems daunting for you, join in as a spectator or event helper – guaranteed you’ll see some beautiful Porsches!

Tips and techniques gleaned from our Concours workshops is of benefit to your daily drivers, as well.

Any questions?…

Concours FAQs

  • Why do we enjoy and go through so much work to prepare our Porsches?
    • Concours event preparation
    • Personal pride
    • Preservation of our investment
    • Preparation for resale
    • Discovery of worn or damaged parts

Full preparation for an NNJR Concours involves detailing, cleaning, prepping, dressing, touch-up of paint chips, and replacement of worn or damaged parts to produce a car that is both clean and presents its self well.

This depends on several factors.

  • Whether or not the Porsche is regularly garaged or exposed to the elements.
  • Use of automated car washes (it is highly recommended you avoid these).
  • Paint colors sensitive to sun exposure (e.g. red).
  • Hardness and durability of the wax or sealant.

The full process can take twelve or more hours depending on factors such as the most recent cleaning, whether the car is a daily driver, and whether it is garaged. A thorough cleaning will help to make your car competitive, and score reasonably well at any Porsche Club Concours d’Elegance.

  1. Avoid circular motions when washing, polishing, and waxing – strive to work in front-to-back strokes in keeping with natural air and water flow over the car’s surface.
  2. The goal is to remove dirt through cleaning before any final dressing is applied.
  3. Work in the correct order – start with the gentlest possible treatment when dealing with problem areas. Work your way up to the strongest/harshest materials only as needed, and always make sure the material you’re using won’t cause damage.
  4. Use your sense of touch to detect contaminants.
  5. Always check the area you are are working on by looking at it from several angles to make sure you’ve dealt with all the defects you found in your initial inspection. If possible, do this under a sunlit sky, since concours judging usually occurs outdoors under natural light.
  6. Do not over-clean or strip areas beyond OEM grading expectations
  7. Always wear soft clothes, and remove personal jewelry. Ladies with long hair should tie it up in ponytail for safety.
  8. When detailing the interior, start from the top and work down saving the vacuuming of the carpets until last.

No, you do not have to enter to attend. A Concours is not only a great way to socialize with other Porsche owners, but also a great way to see some of the most beautiful, best preserved, best maintained Porsches in the NNJR region. Often concours are held at scenic or interesting venues, adding to the overall ambiance. For concours competitors, these events serve as a fun way for like-minded folks to exchange information, cleaning tips, and more. Our region has a reputation for competing successfully at the highest levels of Concours competition and this is in large part due to the experience gained by our members in competition locally.