Hitting Apexes….Feb 2015

I do not know about you, but I am pretty psyched up about our 2015 DE season approaching and getting back on track. Our schedule is set for 2015 and by the time you read this, we would have just held our Instruction to High Performance Driving seminar (January 25). It is at this seminar […]

Hitting Apexes…. Jan 2015

We are busy setting up dates, contracts, etc… for our 2015 DE season and are looking forward to another great season of NNJR track events. Here is a preview of what the season will look like: Mid-winter Introduction to High Performance Driving on January 25: This event is exclusively for drivers who have never attended […]

Hitting Apexes…. Dec 2014

Just back from VIR and so NNJR’s 2014 DE season has come to a close and what a season it has been. I have really enjoyed my job (my second job) as NNJR’s Track Chair and as a result have made quite a number of new friends and have seen the excellent results that Teamwork […]

Hitting Apexes…. Nov 2014

Hi Gang. Our season is winding down and planning for our 2015 season is under way. In the September P4Us I wrote about passing because of some issues we have witnessed at a recent track event. In the October P4Us I figured I would try to touch more on the basics of HPDE driving and […]

Hitting Apexes…. Oct 2014

As I was sitting here thinking about what to write about, I started thinking about my DE Checklist and did I have everything set for our upcoming Watkins Glen II event on September 15-16. It has been 6 weeks since I have been on a race track so I am pretty stoked about this event. […]

Hitting Apexes…. Sept 2014

Well, here we are in early August and we have just returned from our DE’s at Mosport with our friends from UCR and our famous Paul Miller Watkins Glen I event. On July 18-20 we were at Mosport for our annual CAN/AM DE with our friends from UCR. Overall there were 145 attendees with 39 […]

Hitting Apexes…. August 2014

Since my last article we had our June 13-14 DE at Thunderbolt with a great turnout and great weather. I witnessed some pretty nice driving and many smiling faces. We had a great time reliving our best laps on Friday with a nice Beer, Wings, Chicken Fingers, etc… get-together. We have just returned from our […]

Hitting Apexes…. July 2014

We just returned from our Mid Ohio (MO) DE and I keep thinking about how much I love that track. Quite frankly I really like all the tracks we go to and have a cadre of turns on each that really make a strong impression. No-one (or maybe 1 in 100,000) will argue with you […]

Hitting Apexes…. June 2014

We just returned from our Lightning/Thunderbolt AdvancedDriver/Instructor DE and are now preparing for our next event at Mid Ohio (May 16-18). As your new Track Chair, I now have two DE’s under my belt (whew!) and getting into a rhythm for the main part of our season. To pull off these events there is a […]

Hitting Apexes….. May 2014

What is crazy is that I am writing my May article and we have yet to have our first DE of the season (Lime Rock). Oh well, I need to keep our editors happy, so here goes. I do not know about you, but at one time I had some trepidation about attending our Mosport […]