Hitting Apexes…. August 2014

Since my last article we had our June 13-14 DE at Thunderbolt with a great turnout and great weather. I witnessed some pretty nice driving and many smiling faces. We had a great time reliving our best laps on Friday with a nice Beer, Wings, Chicken Fingers, etc… get-together. We have just returned from our […]

Hitting Apexes…. July 2014

We just returned from our Mid Ohio (MO) DE and I keep thinking about how much I love that track. Quite frankly I really like all the tracks we go to and have a cadre of turns on each that really make a strong impression. No-one (or maybe 1 in 100,000) will argue with you […]

Hitting Apexes…. June 2014

We just returned from our Lightning/Thunderbolt AdvancedDriver/Instructor DE and are now preparing for our next event at Mid Ohio (May 16-18). As your new Track Chair, I now have two DE’s under my belt (whew!) and getting into a rhythm for the main part of our season. To pull off these events there is a […]

Hitting Apexes….. May 2014

What is crazy is that I am writing my May article and we have yet to have our first DE of the season (Lime Rock). Oh well, I need to keep our editors happy, so here goes. I do not know about you, but at one time I had some trepidation about attending our Mosport […]

Hitting Apexes……. April 2014

IT IS STILL FREEZING COLD AS I WRITE THIS ARTICLE. KIND OF HARD TO THINK ABOUT DRIVING WHEN I STILL HAVE GLACIERS JUST OUTSIDE THE DOOR. But wait, I heard that NJMP is opening their track on March 15 and PCA Schattenbaum is having a DE on March 22. Full Disclosure here: I have attended […]

Hitting Apexes….. March 2014

April is just around the corner and very soon, we hold our first DE of the season at Lime Rock Park on April 9-10. If you did not know it already, here is a little bit of history and factoids about this famous and storied race track. Dreamed up in 1956 by Jim Vaill, the […]

Hitting Apexes….. Feb 2014

I am sitting here in Vermont thinking and it is currently 5°F on the way to a balmy 19°F. But, I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming DE season and the car projects I want to get done before our first event. I am not sure what was on your Christmas lists, but […]

Hitting Apexes…… Jan 2014

Wow, time does really fly when you are having fun. I can remember the day when I first joined the PCA as this coincided with me purchasing my first Porsche (a 1997 Guards Red 911 Cabrio with the Cashmere leather interior). . What a car and what a day that was! For the first couple […]

P4US-June 2015 Heel-toe Downshift

We are well into our 2015 season and plenty of events to go. In my series of driving technique articles, I have covered most of the fundamentals and touched on one or two more advanced techniques. It is now time to dig into Heel-toe downshifting which is not really done with your heel and toe […]

P4Us – DE – January 2015

We are busy setting up dates, contracts, etc… for our 2015 DE season and are looking forward to another great season of NNJR track events. Here is a preview of what the season will look like: Mid-winter Introduction to High Performance Driving on January 25th; High Performance Driving Seminar for Instructors and URG drivers on February 22nd; Lime Rock: April 8-9; Lightning/T-Bolt (Instructors and URG): April 27-28.