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sun02mar9:00 amsun1:00 pmSwap Meet

fri07mar(mar 7)8:00 amsun09(mar 9)6:00 pmWerks Reunion / Amelia Island Concours

sun09mar12:00 pmsun3:00 pmSpring Concours Workshop

wed12mar7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Meeting-John Paterek

sat15mar9:00 amsat11:00 amTech Session - Carrera GT

sat22mar10:00 amsat12:00 pmTech Session - Jack Daniels Porsche

mon24mar6:00 pmmon8:00 pmLightning DE Tech

thu27mar7:30 pmthu9:00 pmBOG Meeting

sat29mar12:00 pmsat2:00 pmPorsches and Pizza at Kinchley's Tavern on March 29

sat05apr(apr 5)6:00 pmsun06(apr 6)8:00 pmLightning 1 NNJR DE

wed09apr7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Mtg

sun27apr7:30 amsun4:00 pmCar Control Clinic

mon28apr6:00 pmmon8:00 pmMid-Ohio DE Tech

What’s New Blog

Using the NNJR-PCA online Event Registration

How to Use the NNJR-PCA Online Event Registration System

Welcome to the NNJR-PCA event registration system! Follow these steps to easily register for events or purchase products.

Accessing Event Registration

You can register for NNJR PCA events from:

  • The homepage EVENT REGISTRATION menu.
  • Links in the NNJR Calendar, ePorscheforus Monthly Magazine, NNJR emails, Facebook, and What’s New posts.

Registering for an Event

1. Access the Event Page

Click on the event image or any highlighted link. This will take you to the event page, where you’ll see a description and additional details.

2. Selecting Options

  • Use the dropdown menus to select all required fields (e.g., ticket type, shirt size).
  • The price will display, and the “Add to Cart” button will activate once all required fields are completed.

3. Adding Items to Your Cart

  • For multiple registrationw with unique options (shirt size, child or passenger registraton, etc), add each individually to your cart.
  • Selecting a quantity greater than one without specifying unique options (e.g., shirt size “Large”) will assume all registrants are the same and will all receive a “Large” shirt.
  • Each time you add an item to your cart, a green confirmation banner will appear, and the cart icon (top-right of the page) will update with the number of items.

4. Viewing Your Cart

Click the green “View Cart” button or the cart icon to review your selections.

Managing Your Shopping Cart

From the Shopping Cart page, you can:

  • Adjust quantities or remove items using the red “X” next to the product listing.
  • Review all items before proceeding to checkout.

Important: Once your order is placed, it cannot be edited. However, you can cancel and receive a refund up to 48 hours before the event.

Placing Your Order

1. Checkout

If the event is free:

  • Your order is placed automatically after checkout. You’ll receive an online confirmation and a confirmation email.

If payment is required:

  • You’ll be directed to the secure PayPal gateway for payment.
  • PayPal users can log in to auto-fill their details.

Paying Without a PayPal Account

  • Click “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” instead of the blue “Log In” button.
  • Enter your payment details directly on the secure PayPal page.

Order Confirmation

After completing your order:

  • A confirmation page will display your purchase details.
  • You’ll also receive a confirmation email as proof of registration.

Future Orders

Once you’ve registered for an event, the system will recognize your account and autofill your details for faster checkout next time. Saved items or incomplete orders can be accessed from your Shopping Cart page.

Need Assistance?

If you experience any issues, contact us:

Thank you for using the NNJR-PCA online registration system!




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