Current Events




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sun02mar9:00 amsun1:00 pmSwap Meet

fri07mar(mar 7)8:00 amsun09(mar 9)6:00 pmWerks Reunion / Amelia Island Concours

sun09mar12:00 pmsun3:00 pmSpring Concours Workshop

wed12mar7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Meeting-John Paterek

sat15mar9:00 amsat11:00 amTech Session - Carrera GT

sat22mar10:00 amsat12:00 pmTech Session - Jack Daniels Porsche

mon24mar6:00 pmmon8:00 pmLightning DE Tech

wed26marAll DayCar Control Clinic Registration is Open!

thu27mar7:30 pmthu9:00 pmBOG Meeting

sat29mar12:00 pmsat2:00 pmPorsches and Pizza at Kinchley's Tavern on March 29

sat05apr(apr 5)6:00 pmsun06(apr 6)8:00 pmLightning 1 NNJR DE

wed09apr7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Mtg

sun27apr7:45 amsun4:15 pmCar Control Clinic

mon28apr6:00 pmmon8:00 pmMid-Ohio DE Tech

What’s New Blog

Paul Miller Porsche

Workshop Topic: Taycan verses Hybrid

The NNJR Technical Committee is happy to present its first workshop of the 2021 year.

Workshop Topic: Taycan verses Hybrid

Location: Paul Miller Porsche
Date: May 22,  2021
Time: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Service Manager Ted Higgins, and his team lead by Mike Ricciardi the Shop’s Foreman, will discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of the all electric Porsche Taycan verse a comparable Porsche Hybrid. Side by side cars will be on lifts and in bays for a close look and analysis. Q & A, as in past practices, will be ongoing thru out the presentation. A limited and specified route will be used for any member attendees that wish to test drive the Taycan.
Food and soft drinks will be provided.


Please contact James H. Coleman or Knute Hancock  at with questions, comments or future workshop topics you would like to see.

Come on Spring!!!

Do I need a new helmet?

If you haven’t updated your Snell 2010 helmet for the upcoming season, now would be the time.

Helmets must be certified to the Snell 2015 or 2020.  2010 helmets are no longer acceptable. PCA requires “Snell approved helmet, which has the current available Snell rating or the one previous Snell rating” see Drivers Education Minimum Standards | Porsche Club of America (]. Highly recommended for DE use is the SA rated helmet, due to its fire rating.

The new 2020 helmets are now in stock.  Looking to save some money, you may want to consider a 2015 helmet that should be good until 2025.




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