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sun02mar9:00 amsun1:00 pmSwap Meet

fri07mar(mar 7)8:00 amsun09(mar 9)6:00 pmWerks Reunion / Amelia Island Concours

sun09mar12:00 pmsun3:00 pmSpring Concours Workshop

wed12mar7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Meeting-John Paterek

sat15mar9:00 amsat11:00 amTech Session - Carrera GT

sat22mar10:00 amsat12:00 pmTech Session - Jack Daniels Porsche

mon24mar6:00 pmmon8:00 pmLightning DE Tech

thu27mar7:30 pmthu9:00 pmBOG Meeting

sat29mar12:00 pmsat2:00 pmPorsches and Pizza at Kinchley's Tavern on March 29

sat05apr(apr 5)6:00 pmsun06(apr 6)8:00 pmLightning 1 NNJR DE

wed09apr7:00 pmwed9:00 pmNNJR Monthly Mtg

sun27apr7:30 amsun4:00 pmCar Control Clinic

mon28apr6:00 pmmon8:00 pmMid-Ohio DE Tech

What’s New Blog

Porsches and Pizza at Kinchley’s Tavern on March 29th

Following up on the success of last year’s events, NNJR is again going to organize meet-ups at some classic New Jersey eateries.

We all know the passion we have for Porsche, but most of us in NNJR also have a passion for our favorite pizza. Here in NJ, bar pizza is a big thing. Kinchley’s (est. 1937) features an ultra-thin crust with just enough sauce and cheese and a bar featuring 10 taps flowing with a rotating selection of seasonal and regional brews.

So, take the Porsche off the battery tender, drive it to Kinchley’s in the roped off area just for us, catch up with friends, and enjoy some good food and drink.

Hope you can join us on March 29th between 12 – 2PM

Kinchley’s Tavern is at:

586 N. Franklin Tpk.  Ramsey, NJ

Cash Only- Kinchley’s doesn’t take credit cards.




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