NNJR Tech - Annual Swap Meet (Online)

sun17jan10:00 amsun1:00 pmNNJR Tech - Annual Swap Meet (Online)


January 17, 2021 10:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


Zoom Video Conference - Link will be published at a later date

Event Details


SPONSOR: Euro-Tire

DATE: Sunday, January 17, 2021

TIME: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM 

LOCATION: ZOOM Video Conference. The link will be sent to all registered sellers and buyers.


This year NNJR’s Annual Swap Meet is on! However, given New Jersey’s restrictions on gatherings, it will be a virtual event.


  • Each seller will have 1 to 2 minutes to describe their item(s) which will be displayed via photos and/or videos.
  • The seller and potential buyers will go to a Zoom breakout room to talk in more detail and negotiate.
  • We hope to have all items “on display” virtually a few hours before the event; details TBD.


  • Take pictures (preferred) and/or a 1-minute video of the item(s) you want to sell, and send to Bill Gilbert at dealerliaison@nnjr-pca.com, plus Knute Hancock and James Coleman at technical@nnjr-pca.com.  Do this now: don’t wait until the last minute. ALL submissions are due before January 14. Include item prices, your email, and phone number.
  • Prepare a very brief description of your sale items that you can present on Zoom, coordinated with your photos. A 2-minute maximum will be strictly enforced!

Shoppers and Buyers

  • We will send you a link to all the items for sale for you to view before the live event on the NNJR Website.
    Please let us know if you plan to participate by sending an email to  technical@nnjr-pca.comWe will send you the link to the online catalog and the Zoom login information.