Event: NNJR Event #6, Sun 09-22-2019
Run Statistics
Item Totals
Staging Row (flip) 919
Elapsed time for Runs 06:59:20
Average Overlap between Runs 00:26
First Car Out 09:38:50am
Last Car Out 04:38:10pm
# of Registrations 126
Actual Runs Completed 861
Lowest Overlap Time 00:04
Longest Overlap Time 11:40
Total Runs With Cones 266
Total # of cones hit 391
Total DNF's 84
Total RRN's 53
# of cars that hit 1 cone 173
# of cars that hit 2 cones 69
# of cars that hit 3 cones 17
# of cars that hit 4 cones 6
# of cars that hit 5 cones 1
# of cars with more than 5 cones 0
# of OFF's 0